A Time For Thanks
First I'd like to thank My Lord God and His son Jesus Christ because without them I wouldn't be able to share my gifts with you all today.
Secondly I'd like to thank all of my truly amazing family members here on earth and those looking down from in heaven for always being there for me when I needed you the most, for loving me,sacrificing and financially supporting me starting out on this path, and believing in me.
I look up to you incredible people so much and want to make you guys proud always.
Thank you friends, thank you Anthony my incredible music minister, Dan for collaborating with me, and all of you who listen to my music that I so greatly enjoy sharing wiht you all.
I hope all of your dreams come true and I know they can and will if you have the drive to pursue them no matter what use your gifts God gave you to make this world a brighter more beautiful place to live in.